Harpy Studio

New worlds, new horizons.

We are Harpy Studio

Harpy Studio was created by Thiago Mendes, Guilherme Pulga and the passion for illustration and digital art.
In each project we offer professionalism and dedication, pursuing the best, greatest and beyond. Always.
Imagination is our limit. Giving the best design is what motivates us.

Design, ideas and
a good story

We originate universes from scratch, that’s our purpose. They exist in harmony with everything that composes them.

With these precautions, our design identifies us and increases our syntony with the people who will see and talk to our productions.

Good service
and personality

In addition to good design, we want every experience to be enjoyable. We want to understand your needs and offer a production with consistency, quality and personality. Therefore, we are open to talk and have a great relationship whenever we get a project in hands.

Creation step by step

Defining your universe:

Finding the project's visual identity through visual references and research.

Visual guide:

Once the references are collected, we will organize the visual language to create the project.

First glimpse:

We developed the first concepts of the characters, as well as the environments, vehicles, costumes and props.


Once the arts are selected, we will finish them to be applied or to guide the Art team of your production.


Occasionally, we can create artwork for your project's marketing and campaign if necessary.